Passion City

This is me! Evolving, looking better, feeling better and becoming better!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Where Is God?

“Where is God?” This question is often asked, especially when trauma or tragedy happens to our personal lives. The underlying meaning of this question is: If God exists, He wouldn’t allow injustice to happen; as long as injustice exists, I don’t believe that God is here with us.

I think about this question a lot. I know it is hard to give an answer, especially in the face of all kinds of tragedies human have to suffer. How to convince the disbelieved that God does exist?

I don’t know. I don’t even want to attempt. I think it’s a wrong question to ask for a start. If there is a fundamental flaw in the question, how can you give an answer?

Most of us have fallen in love, at leats once in our lifetime. When we truly love someone, how do we prove our love? By sending her followers? Taking her to dinner? Making love? Sometimes these work but other times as many of us have experienced, there is no reception signal! The person we madly fall in love with doesn’t feel a thing! You can do all the good things in the world, only to find out that the other end is too blind to acknowledge! This goes to show that, there is no way to prove our love. The only proof is in our hearts.

The same can be said to our connection with God. God may love us, but if we don’t establish the connection with God, we won’t know His existence. Why? Because it is a one-way traffic!

As human race, it is a shame that we don’t remember God’s existence when we are happy. For example, when we receive kind actions from others; when we go binge drinking, when we enjoy sunny days, when we go partying; when we have abundant food to eat; when we enjoy seemingly endless supply of materials … we are too busy to think of God. We think it’s our birthright to have it all.

Yet when disaster strikes and injustice happens, we start to ask: ‘Where is God?’ We are frustrated and angry because when we need God the most, He doesn’t show up! As someone put: If God ever existed, He must be dead!

Now hopefully you start to see the picture. We need to experience sorrow to be motivated to find a connection to God. We are in the belief that our relationship with God is a one-way traffic. We believe that we are entitled to conduct good or bad deeds as we like, yet we only want to bear the fruits from good deeds. The fruits from our bad deeds such as jeolousy, selfishness, greed, anger, killing animals, attacking fellow human beings, thoughtless expansion of industrialising, making and using of weapons… we don't even want to consider!

Why don’t we thank God for all the good things happen to us? Why do we only turn to God when we are in trouble? Because as human, we are greedy and selfish. We want all the best and we are blaming experts if all the best doesn't happen. We don’t want to bear the consequences of our own actions; instead, we always look for someone to blame. When we’ve run out of things/people to blame, we blame God.

Unfortunately our little trick doesn’t work and it never will. That’s why when people in desperation ask where God is, we can’t find an easy answer.

God has give us the best thing He can - freewill. It’s up to us to use it to our own advantage. God must step outside of the realm of human’s deeds, otherwise He would be a control freak! If everytime we've made a mistake and God turns up and rescues us from trouble, how are we supposed to learn?

It’s time to wake up! It’s time to face up the consequences from what we have done (in this life and past lives; in the current world and past centuries). Human race has made a big mess out of our own freewill, and now it’s time for us to tidy up. It may take a few generations, a few centuries, or a few millenniums, but firstly, we must have the courage to admit our mess. The sooner we do that, the better. God hasn’t abandoned us. He is still allowing us to use our freewill instead of withdrawing it from us.

I can’t prove to you that God exists. But my heart feels Him everyday. That to me, is good enough proof!


At 10:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! I have been trying to say theese exact things to people for years. But as you have said, humans are selfish and greedy. When you tell the selfish and greedy that they might possibly be responsible for something like human suffering, of course they are not going to respond in a reasonable fashion. However, some understand, and that must be worth something to God because he has not yet wiped us from this planet.

At 1:59 pm, Blogger Passion said...

Thanks for stopping by Lou. I agree, you can't tell people the Truth. It's only human nature to want to hear what we like to hear. It's better to let them be and found God themselves through experiences.


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