Passion City

This is me! Evolving, looking better, feeling better and becoming better!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Healthy Living

I had been posting journals fairly regularly on this blog until this week. Starting from last Sunday, I have experienced somewhat 'burnout' syndrome. Whether it had something to do with stress, exam, trying to do too much, or my change in diet (vegetarian diet), I don't know. It could well be a combination of them all. When I talked to my meditation teacher yesterday, she said to me that it is usual to experience tiredness for the initial period when changing to a vegetarian diet.

That's why I've given myself an Internet-free break. It actually helps. When you think about the hours you spend on Internet, it could easily add up to 10 hours a week. This 10 hours could alternatively be spent on going out for walks, having a stroll in the park, reading a book, or having an aroma-bath, doing meditation, giving or receiving massages etc.

I started to feel much better yesterday. After being to the "Visionary Living" expo yesterday, hubby and I simultaneously agreed that it is time for us to take a more proactive approach to a healthy living which will include regular detox, more self-education on food science and spiritual wellbeing. Talking about food, common sense is that a low fat and low sugar with high protein is a good diet. However, this is just the beginning. There are so much out there which we think is good for us while it's not (perhaps I'll write on these later). Also we are going to buy a water machine which not only filters and sterilises the heavy metals and chemicals in the water but also activates the minerals and make the 'dead' water 'live'.

It’s all about living a life in harmony with nature and create a sustainable future individual and the society. Why am I saying looking after ourselves can create a sustainable society? With the health problem deteriorate worldwide due to our increasingly stressful lifestyles, the health sector is going to cost too much to maintain for a state. Health, is a too important issue to ignore!


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