Passion City

This is me! Evolving, looking better, feeling better and becoming better!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hibernation Is Over!

Things started to feel real after my week 13 scan yesterday when the baby's heartbeat, body length, head, feet, hands, stomach were clearly seen. It's about time for me to put things into perspective and regain some form of normality. I am saying this because so far I have been so overwhelmed by the enormous amount of discomfort I've been going through which could easily made me lose sight of what the whole process is all about but to dwell on my endless tiredness, sickness and uncontrollable cravings let alone the mood swings. It's only been three months but what a journey!

It is a shame but I must admit that a couple of times when I was so sick of being sick I actually wished that I was not pregnant. All I knew was that hours felt like days and days felt like weeks and my 'illness' felt like lasting forever. There was nothing else in my life- all my energy, focus and thoughts went to how terrible I felt and thinking what super hot n spicy food I can find or cook for my next meal!

Thankfully things do get much better slowly - On Sunday I went to my meditation group for the first time in 3 months what a fantastic feeling to be amongst a group of positive souls again and eat Vegetarian meals with them and drink Chai tea! I also started morning and evening walks a few days ago to get in touch with that 'high' feeling again endorphin gives me. Oh it is nice to be normal and feel normal!!

My baby is fine. What else can I ask from life? It's time to get on with it! Hopefully I'll return to this blog more often from now on. I've missed you all!


At 11:51 am, Blogger Beth said...

I've heard 2nd trimester is better! Can't wait until I get over this phase of fog, puking, tiredness, etc. etc!


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